Meet Dr. Cook
Serving Patients For Over 30 Years
David A. Cook, DDS
Dr. Cook and Anne have been married since 1992. They have two active sons. Dr. Cook has taught alpine skiing since 1972, coaches and trains other ski instructors since 1979 and has been a high school alpine race coach since 2009. He traded in his windsurfing and mountain bike riding for time with his acoustic guitar, trying to practice each day. He enjoys amateur photography, especially of his son’s sporting events (lacrosse, skiing, snowboarding). He jokingly says, “My wife likes to walk the dog each night; we don’t own a dog. It’s me!”
Hennepin County Medical Center
- 1981-82 Certificate: Hospital General Practice Dental Residency
Marquette University, School of Dentistry
- 1981 Degree: Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
University of Wisconsin Madison
- 1976, BS in Zoology
Continuing Education
- 75 to 250+ hours spent annually on continuing education, many of which are one-on-one, hands-on training with peers and top national educators.
- Active subscriber to Clinical Research Associates, which aggressively evaluates new techniques, technology and materials independent from dental manufacturers.
- Focused areas of study:
- Aesthetic Dentistry
- Temporal Mandibular Disorders and Bite Problems
- Clenching and Grinding (Bruxism) Disorders
- Tooth Wear From Stomach Acids, Acidic Drinks/Foods and Aggressive Brushing Wear
- Restorative Dentistry
- Emerging Technology and Dental Materials
- Implant Dentistry
- Periodontal and Preventive Dentistry
- Endodontics (Root Canal) Therapy
- Diagnostic Digital Photography
- Top Dentist Award, Mpls/St Paul Magazine, Every Year since 2000
- Top Cosmetic Dentist
- Top General Dentist
- Top Dentist Award, Minnesota Monthly Magazine, Every year since 2007
- General Dentistry (Cosmetic)
- Minnesota Academy for Comprehensive Dentistry
- President 2010-11
- Past Board Member and Program Chair
- Current Local Facilitator
- Minnesota Academy of Restorative Dentistry
- Past Board of Directors, Member at Large
- Program Chair for 2003/04
- Minnesota Prosthodontic Society
- Past President
- L.D. Pankey Alumni Association
- Omicron Kappa Upsilon – Honorary Dental Society
- RPO Study Club
- Emphasis on Clenching Disorders, Reconstruction, Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry Under the Personal Mentoring of Dr. Henry Tanner
- West Suburban Study Club, a Seattle Implant Study Club
- Emphasis on Implant, Reconstruction, Restorative, Periodontal and Aesthetic Dentistry
- American Dental Association
- Minnesota Dental Association
- Minneapolis District Dental Society
- Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA), Central Division
- Level III Certified since 1975
- Education and Certification Examiner 1981 – 2017
- Past Ed/Cert Committee Member
- Past National Education Committee Member
Lecture and Hands-On Presentations by Dr. Cook
- For a listing of Dr. Cook’s dental presentations on Occlusion, Photography, Advanced Decay Diagnostics and Oral Cancer Care follow this link.