Bonding Restores the Look and Function of Teeth
The dental bonding process involves the adhesion of a tooth-colored resin to the tooth. The resin is then cured under a special light, which creates a hardened and durable bond between the tooth and the resin.
Bonding is used to address a wide range of dental needs, including:
- The repair of decayed teeth
- The repair of cracked and chipped teeth
- To restore the appearance of discolored teeth
- To change the shape or size of a tooth
- To fill in cracks or spaces between teeth
Direct Resin Bonding—Two Front Teeth
The old resin bonding wasn’t holding up very well; plus she desired a whiter look. After some pre-whitening, it’s off with the old and on with the new direct resin binding, all in one visit. We went a touch whiter, for she was not done whitening yet.


Direct Resin Bonding
Look what can be done in one visit to repair decayed and fractured teeth! It is not easy, but it is what we routinely do.
