Answers To Commonly Asked Questions
When attempting to make important decisions, such as those relating to your teeth and oral health, you are likely to have questions. Here are a few answers to questions that we are asked on a regular basis:
The foods and drinks you consume play a large role in your dental health. Avoid sugary and acidic drinks, including soda, and focus instead on water or natural low-sugar juices. Foods with high acidic content may also take a toll on your dental health. Finally, be aware of the staining properties of red wine and coffee, and consume these beverages in moderation.
While we certainly feel that we excel in many areas of dentistry, we do have areas in which we are especially skilled. Dealing with clenching and grinding conditions is one area we are proud of, for example. Cosmetic dentistry is another area of expertise.
We do offer a comprehensive level of oral health services, however – chances are we have the experience and knowledge needed to help you address your unique concerns.
Whitening toothpastes often contain special abrasive materials and chemicals designed to gently polish the teeth and break down surface stains. The effectiveness of whitening toothpastes will vary from individual to individual, and from manufacturer to manufacturer. Professional whitening processes are usually more effective at eliminating deeper stains and improving the brightness of your smile.
The short answer to this question is, a long time. Actually, Dr. Cook has been a practicing dentist for more than 30 years. Over that time, he has continued to seek additional knowledge and explore ways to increase the quality of service we offer.
Call us at your earliest convenience.
There are many strategies you can explore to improve and protect your dental health. Dedicated preventive home care is an important factor in dental health – be sure to brush and floss regularly. A proactive approach to potential dental issues is also important – addressing decay, cavities and other oral health issues quickly and effectively will limit their impact on your overall dental health.
While Dr. Helget's knowledge of dentistry is diverse and advanced, there are some situations that we cannot address alone. If we cannot address your oral health care needs ourselves, we will refer you to a specialist who is better suited to help you find resolutions. We will remain involved in your care process, however, as we work to ensure that you receive quality care and that all of your needs are met.
Smiles at France works with a number of dental insurance providers. The best way to determine if you have coverage is to contact your insurance provider or our office directly.
Parents who wish to instill effective dental healthcare habits in their children should begin at a young age. When a child reaches one year old, a visit to the dentist may help them to become accustomed to the process, and remove the fear of future visits.