Diagnosing and Staging of Decay and Fractures

Benefit from experienced insight into the process of diagnosing decay And fractures

While the signs of tooth decay or fractures are often readily apparent, some situations require additional review and careful examination. Dr. Cook offers insight into the subtle indications of decay and fractures, and the best methods of addressing an issue. Combining the use of fiberoptic light transillumination, magnification and the DIAGNOdent laser, decay and fracture diagnostic is easier, more predictable and measurable.

Dr. Cook’s presentation on Diagnosing Decay and Fractures addresses many topics, including:

  • Specific conditions and symptoms
  • Determining the urgency of restoration thru staging
  • Strategy planning
  • Cosmetic replacements

For more information on Dr. Cook’s Decay and Fracture presentations, email [email protected] or call (612) 824-7033.